Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Woodbridge Campus Shooting Today

This is not going to be some eloquent post about student/professorial stress. We've all heard the stories about what happens at school (or work, or home) when somebody who is imbalanced, mad, sick, or all of the above uses violence to deal with the issues in their lives. Unfortunately, one of those common places just happens to be college campuses.

There was a shooting at my college campus today; I'm not always on campus on Tuesdays, and I was not there. I did get the following text from NOVAALERT "Woodbridge Campus Only--Slelter in Place Until Further Notice. There is an emergency on campus." Yes there was. I got in touch with a colleague and she told me that an upset student went into one of his classes and shot at the teacher. She didn't see ambulances, but there are about 30 police and state vehicles out front. Students went running. We have no idea if anybody's hurt.

To my students: give me a call (see syllabus) if you want to chat. This is not the time to worry or be alone. We're all in this together. If I have any updates on the situation I'll post here.


Henrita said...

This was so scary I just got home about twenty five minutes ago. I never thought that this would happen at NVCC in Woodbridge, it’s like one minute I’m sitting there in class the next minute everyone is just running out like some wild animals. I’m just glad everyone got out safe.

Julie P.Q. said...


Thanks for posting--glad to hear from you! Like I said, I'm here if you feel you want to vent or chat or discuss anything. Try not to go to bed upset tonight!

See you Thursday,

Banda said...

I got the same NOVA Alert but didn't fully understand the reasoning behind it until later. Situations like this usually happen else where; or so I thought. What a wake up call for us all!

I heard on the news this morning that campus would be closed today and I was relieved because I had pre calculus tonight. On a normal day, I'd be ecstatic about school closing but under this circumstance, I was more concerned about the school being safe enough for normal instruction.

My heart goes out to all those students who were physically there. I couldn't imagine the adrenalin rush and scattered thoughts running through you. I was extremely happy that no one was hurt.