Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a long, stange blog this has been

Sorry to crib the title of this post from the Grateful Dead, but it couldn't really be helped. Writers find inspiration in many strange places...

This semester I wrote about teaching, specifically at the community college level. Let me first say that I love my job, although at times I am confused, saddened, and in a rightful fit regarding issues that we deal with: violence in the workplace, grade inflation, budgets, plagiarism, creativity, endless committees, learning disabilities, technical glitches, writer's block, and a myriad of other things that come our way.

This by no means means that college composition is a boring field to be in (I guess it all depends on what a professor has her class spend time on: I'd be on the verge of committing Hari Kari myself if we had to do endless academic essays and grammar workshops). But there are great things happening in our field, and hopefully compositionists will continue to use technology to support writing environments for college students. I can't wait to see what technologies we have 10 or 20 years from now. Virtual writing spaces? Sign me up!

Hopefully this has been a productive semester for you all, too. Maybe one or two of you will continue blogging; some of you will delete your blogs the second class is over. Either end of the spectrum is OK with me. My hope is that you continue to read blogs and see the power inherent in the ability for an "Average Josephine" to have immediate access to an almost unlimited readership. As we have seen, some bloggers came up on our list of "worst" blogs, but many came up on "best of" compilations because of the scope and 3-D aspects of their sites.

So, I'll leave you with a few of my favorite professional blogs. Check them out. And if you don't find something you like or want, or need to read, then the job is for you to fill that gap:

  1. Salam Pax: tinyplanet.org/iraqblog; "Shut up, you fat whiner!" at justzipit.blogspot.com; http://salampax.wordpress.com/
  2. Nate Silver: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/
  3. Heather Armstrong: http://www.dooce.com/
  4. "James Chartrand" et al. http://www.copyblogger.com/
  5. Firedoglake authors: http://firedoglake.com/

More to come at a later date. Hasta la vista! Ciao!

Julie P. Q.


Marci Jones said...

Its been a very interesting semester. I wasn't sure if I would be able to be successful at this whole blogging experience. My biggest fear was who would want to listen to what I had to say? I am most surprised that I had friends and their friends who I did not know not only support my efforts but give honest feedback.

I think I am going to stick with this awhile and see where I go.

Thank you for all the feedback and encouragement. Its been a great semester.

Jessica Rene said...

I've moved my blog over to wordpress!


Jessica Rene said...

