Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Semester Summary...It's Over Already?

I've been trying to come up with a witty and philosophically unambiguous ending for this semester of blogging. For days now, I've let the potential closings percolate in my head, like a crock pot full of words instead of soup. I realize that that is a strange analogy, but these days most of my ideas come from food. That is even stranger since this blog is supposed to be about politics. But food can blend with just about anything, right?

I have had plenty of fodder to work with this semester: the amazing election season, the hilarity that is Sarah Palin (she never fails to amuse), the very interesting turmoil that comes with a president-in-waiting behind a president that gets shoes thrown at him (and, as I heard on the radio today, some sheik from Saudi Arabia wants to pay about $10 million for those shoes). This just proves a few things: (1) politics will always be fun to write about when there are funny politicians out there as bait; (2) even though the election season is over, I can still attempt secret car wars with those who have "Allen for Senate" or "Say it 'aint so, Joe" stickers hanging limply on their back bumpers; and (3) I should have said much more about the ridiculousness that is politics in this semester's blogs.

Maybe because I was so downright scared of what might have happened this election season, I didn't find the humor that is out there, but if I do tackle politics in the future, I think that would be my goal: because if we can't laugh at the horrendous state our country is in (economy, global warming, wars on two fronts, wars on civil rights, attacks on those who are just sick and tired of the politics of the holidays, and so on).

Will there be a next time around? Probably so. I'm sure I'll rekindle blog writing next fall, as I will be taking this spring off from ENG 112. Potential topics might include: the environment; 70s and 80s easy listening; historical fiction (what's so fictional about it, really?); addiction to the Food Network; or a plethora of other manageable topics. I have a few months, so I'll marinate on that for the time being.

Ciao! (Or chow!, as you like it.) See you at the inauguration parade...


theishclassic said...

It's been a blast! Oh wait, I'm not done...

I'll get ya a rough draft before I sleep tonight Mrs. P!

Calpolygirl said...

Hey Julie,

I was just on my blog reading a couple of posts that I've written and I must tell you, I really miss it. So, I'm thinking about keeping it up (if my children will allow me the time). I just want to thank you again for a great sememster and the experience to learn from others.

I hope you continue on with this.

Have a good one!
