Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Election ... Amazing!

This will be a somewhat teary, emotional, adrenalin-filled post. I ran a Virginia election precinct today and it was overwhelming. Weeks of training and reading up on Virginia Laws, preparation all day yesterday at our voting site, and up at 4 a.m., at the precinct at 4:45, opening the polls at 6 a.m., calling the registrar about 50 times with voters in the wrong locations, not registered, having moved, missing absentee ballots, and a myriad of other issues. Calling an election polling station hectic is a kindness. It was a monster. I just got home at 10:30 p.m.

There were times of silence; after 9:30 a.m., as the trickle of voters came in small groups instead of a deluge. And there were times of anger, especially when democratic and republican election officials try their best to do their best to protect voters and at the same time don't think of voters as real people but an "ideal." There will be more of that in another post.

I am proud of my country. I can admit that I've always loved America, but there have been times I've been mighty confused by racism, poor economic decisions, certain political actions past and present, ignorance of civil rights for hundreds of years, and so on. But there has been so much more beauty than anything else. Just seeing the smiles of the volunteers at the Fairfax County Government Center is but a small example: standing the rain, on their feet for 14 hours, easily giving a smile and a helpful hand with all our precious materials: our votes.

I hope we can become a more unified country. I know it will be hard. It will take years of a crushingly bad economy and two wars in which we must support our soldiers and all innocent people in war zones. I'm not a preachy, emotional person, but I'm crying my eyes out tonight. Happily.

1 comment:

bjbhjb said...

I've just read your old post and now im reading this one. I think it's a great thing that you did this! Eventhough staying till 10:30p.m. sounds kind of harsh, you should be delighted that you are helping our country.

It's sad how we have come so far but yet, there are still people that are racist. I think this election has been different than any other election. So many people have voted. I actually called up all my friends that day and told them to get out there and vote. I'm still 17, so unfortunatly I was not able to vote. I did alot of research and if I was able to vote I would've made a intelligent and worthy vote!

Oh well, maybe next election...

This election has showed us that if we all work together as Americans we can accomplish anything!