Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Semester 2007

New Topic Brainstorming

And so we start another round of blog writing. And I wonder to myself, what do I write about this time? The first round was about politics, the second round about finances. I suppose I could discuss why the Broncos are doing so poorly this season or why Florida State just can't crack the top 25, or I could write about home improvement, the improvements I just finished and my plans for more, or I could write about my dissertation, or that marathon I keep gearing up for while letting injuries and school get in the way.

All of these topics require research on my part: for the Seminoles and Broncos I have to become an arm-chair coach of a game I've never played. For home improvements I have to really evaluate costs, home values, and the market. For my theoretical dissertation, which is in the hands of my director, I have to keep reading, writing, and exploring on a variety of topics related to compostion. For my running, I have to figure out why everything gets in the way of training, and come up with a new training scheme. All of these things can become part of my blog experiences for the next 8 weeks. However, I can only choose one.

Although all these topics are related to me personally, they're scattered as such and I must narrow the field. A blog on everything would have no sound structure, no overall development on one topic that can really enhance both my writing and my experiences with(in) the world. Thankfully I have a few days to decide.

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